When the answer is more complicated than the question… — @segalink
A wise man once said to me that when the answer is more complicated than the question, then it’s probably a lie.
Narcissists rarely change their stance and you need not change your behavior for their validation. The biggest secret about narcissists is that deep inside they loathe themselves, and are desperate that no one find out who the “real” person is inside his seemingly tough, outer shell.
When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed- they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie.
Assuming he’s rational and wants what you want (loving mutuality), you strain to make sense of what he says. But it’s nonsense, designed to confuse you. The shocking truth is, he seeks control, not intimacy.
Narcissists have many alters, many secret lives, and they count on others to reinforce the idea that ‘they would never do such a thing’ and that they ‘are not like that’.
Ironically, the narcissist will tell lies and slander their ‘friends’ and previous partners, offering privileged, private and intimate information they were told in confidence.
Don’t sweat trying to please them, break their control and move on with your life. Your peace will always drive them nuts. They will never get over their loss of control over your life neither would they ever stop throwing tantrums, regardless of how much success comes their way.
How the mighty are fallen. ⛱