The Widening Gulf Between The Town and The Gown — @segalink

I remember when the Law profession (as well as other prestigious ones) used to be the bastion of an egalitarian society, unlike today that leaders of repute watch as these profession(s) are helplessly proliferated by bandits and cacophonous attention seeking junkies.
Our society is no doubt on the precipice, ethics no longer mean anything across professions and titles like Dr, Engr, SAN, Prof, Pastor, Imam etc are adorned mostly by the worst of souls.
Education has lost its meaning as it generally represents indoctrination in our clime. One would expect those privileged to have been impacted by the exposure to Ivy League schooling, to apply their education and make society better than they met it, but unfortunately, such are the ring leaders in the destruction of the fabric of society as driven by morbid and. diabolical egos.
There is no doubt the world those in their fifties and above were raised for no longer exists and the existential need for those void of purpose to keep up appearances may be the only accessible trauma response, but at what cost?
My thoughts are not centered around ageism neither should it be reduced to the allusion that the younger generation are covering their bases. The current trajectory of decadence, immorality and ruin of our value system must be a concern for the conscious.
What kind of society are we leaving behind for our children and what legacy are we leaving in their hearts?
As far as I’m concerned this is all that matters. Not the wanton pursuit of vanities and ephemeral fame. I believe we still have time to course correct and recalculate our coordinates.
Bill Gates is not a Doctor but he is leading health innovations on a global scale as a controversial figure since the 1980s. He is intelligent, wise, surrounds himself with the very best of minds and he listens to them, unlike our clueless rulers of now across sectors that view intelligence as a threat.
We must avoid limiting ourselves to our human conditions. You can become the miracle of any sector of the economy or profession once your interest, enthusiasm, and passion are vested in that direction. Do not allow anyone tell you that is not what you studied at the university. Be a solution where your heart leads and prove that GOD indeed use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
The world is waiting for your manifestation. #YouAreEnough ⛱