The Religion Of Mediocrity and Greed… @segalink
In Nigeria we think capacity and competency only when consulting doctors, hiring pilots and even cooks but will risk it all in throwing our support for expired recycled political leaders, who have failed us once before and they never disappoint in plunging us into the seeming bottomless chasm as wired again.
The interesting thing here is that these geriatrics know what order is when it comes to their personal affairs. They educate their kids abroad while they plunge education at home into untold chaos. They will fly miles to locate specialist doctors for their undisclosed and highly classified illness but will not think for once to equip our hospitals, build such facilities and train such competencies in their own country.
One wonders why a country that copied every culture from the west, ranging from law to the paper clip can not model benchmark practices enough to restrict leadership qualities to competency and capability.
Most of our religious leaders have gone commercial as mired in the pool of deceit and have become conceited and understand nothing. They have, like the political leaders, grown to develop an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrel about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicion and constant friction between people of corrupt minds, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it. Those who want to get rich via cunning fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Political and religious leaders have become defalcators who have lost touch with reality. Some people eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grieves. But you man of God, flee from all these and pursue. righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good Fight of the faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you are called when you made good confession In the presence of many witnesses in the sight of God who gave life to everything.
Rather than choke on greatness they have resolved to nibble on mediocrity. They have raised taxes so high, just to impress the west in order to convince them they are good for the loans, even without the care in the world on how they destroy trade, discourage investment and kill employment. It is all about the money that would neither be accounted for nor be judiciously spent in a transparent manner.
It is time to raise the bar from where it is buried. It is time we the people make it impossible for a handful of Purists to force their desire on our collective destiny. It is time to set criteria and identify values we desire in the leader that is to come, of which competence and capacity is critical. Never again will any one who can not inspire us as a people emerge. Never again shall any insensitive jumble of limbs, deaf as a post will be stampeded into the highest office in the land.
When these ideals are out there towards the Nigeria Of our dreams, the people can not unsee it. It changes the narrative. Our collective vision of the future we hope to bequeath to our young becomes the ideal common ground and everything that compares to it is now treated differently. To this extent our eyes will be on aspirants and candidates that represent these ideals as proven in their track records and ideology which will be vigorously tested.
The very same way email cannibalized the fax is the way a representative of the Nigeria Of our Dreams (#NewNigeria) will make any recycled expired politico from the annals of history hopelessly analog. We are tired of focusing on what we don’t want by voting against what we loathe or are sick of. It is time to vote for that which we believe in for a change with objectivity. It is time to vote for what works and who can work, unite the people, involve the youths and move the country forward.
There is no need to wage any war on the propaganda of the highly mediocre, their mediocrity is already their punishment and undoing. We must be determined to starve our distractions and feed our focus with the Nigeria of our dreams worthy of being bequeathed as a legacy to generations to come.
Remember to register to vote and obtain your PVC/TVC. We Must vote and protect our votes with all our being.
End of Celestial Observation
First Published in Tribune Online 27052018