#OnACodeineDiet? -@segalink
Been a bit under the weather with divine care from my wonderful wife. I had some time to connect with the subconscious to understand properly how vain this world is. Memories of transited loved ones filled my head and their peculiar nuances cheered me up tremendously.
I remember my aunt of blessed memory, one who is known for her deep hatred for drugs and herbs but will forever play the role of a cheerleader when someone else is ill, encouraging you to take drugs and drink the bitter herbs without second thought.
Then my late father comes to mind, a man whose solution to every illness is a drug called “Tabasan”. One would have thought my dad was a sales rep for the firm that produced the hallucinogenic drug. He will recommend the drug for symptoms ranging from heart break to hypertension.
A single dose of that drug can put an elephant to sleep for a whole day. My dad loved the drug so much it became part of his entertainment offerings to visitors who had the misfortune of mentioning their health issue.
My first encounter with that drug was when I caught a terrible cold (cough & catarrh). It was the first time I saw my parent panic. I was 6. Temperature had risen to the roof and I’ve already downed two bottles of Cofta (the popular syrup of that age). Dad had to act fast and his solution of course was Tabasan. I managed to catch a glimpse of the pack of the drug and boldly inscribed on it was “Poison”. Why would they choose to kill me I asked myself?
I fought back, resisted all the attempts to have me ingest this strange orange tranquilizer. They stuffed it in Eba, I discovered and threw it up. They tried to make me drink it in powdered form but that didn’t work as well. Then my love for Fanta betrayed my will. I finished the bottle only to realize I’ve been had.
The initial experience after ingesting the drug is the bitterness that envelopes your tongue. You become drowsy and your eyelids would seem like they’ve been tied to stones pulling it all the way down. Then the next stage is hyper excitement for no just cause. Everything becomes funny to you as you walk through a tinted version of the world from your perspective. It is like being in a deep trance.
But having survived all that I saw an improvement in the world of hallucinogens…it need not come in tablet form and you need not physically ingest it. Of course I recognize the “Science Students” and their Shèpètérì gyrators abusing substances with dirty eyes, while dancing ShakuShaku. But there is a more diabolical strain out there more damaging than gutter water.
It is cheaper now to dispense with the kind of government we have in control. They poison your soul with consistent propaganda until you can no longer trust your own judgement.
A clan is thus formed by the galvanization of the hypnotized across social strata. The identity politics of hate. If you are yet to experience the influx of any of the above, count yourself lucky and guard your hearts diligently for out of it flows the issues of life.
No words can describe the trance of Buharism once it encapsulates your being. Stupidity becomes a talent showcased shamelessly in every respect. Whether you are “transmitting transmissions” or simply strengthening institutions with brick and mortar, the effect of the neurological disease is the same.
We do not age in years but in stories.