Love Ran Red, Sins Washed White

SEGA L'éveilleur®
2 min readApr 9, 2023

Once upon a time, there was a man named Jesus who walked the earth, performing miracles and spreading love wherever he went. He had gathered a loyal following of disciples who believed he was and is the Son of God.

But one day, Jesus was betrayed by one of his own, arrested, and sentenced to death by crucifixion. His disciples were devastated, and his mother Mary wept at the foot of the cross.

As Jesus hung on the cross, he cried out to his Father in heaven, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But despite his suffering, he never lost faith.

Three days after his death, something miraculous happened. The tomb where Jesus had been laid was found empty, and it was believed that he had risen from the dead.

Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’ closest friends, was the first to see him. She was weeping at the empty tomb when Jesus appeared to her, alive and well. She ran to tell the disciples, who were overjoyed to see their beloved teacher once again.

Jesus spent time with his disciples, teaching them and comforting them. He showed them the wounds in his hands and feet as proof of his resurrection. They were amazed and filled with hope.

The resurrection of Jesus is a powerful reminder of the triumph of LOVE over HATE, of FAITH over DOUBT, and of LIFE over DEATH. It is a story that has touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of people over the centuries and continues to inspire us to this day.

May we all find hope and joy in the resurrection of Christ, and may we never forget the message of love and forgiveness that he brought to the world.

#HappyResurrection 👑



SEGA L'éveilleur®

Technologist, Strategist, Analyst, Consultant, WealthMgr/Realtor, Perception & Crisis Controller At Aliensmedia Communications. Founder/President SIAF.