King Me — @segalink
Rather than confront his demons and repent of his sins he chose to delude himself further pretending the world owes him a great deal as he delves deeper into the the abyss of eternal damnation amidst false praise.
The agony of those he victimizes echo in the chambers of his heart and he knew no peace each passing day. His smiles were fake and his joy was as cosmetic as Guy Fawkes’ mask even as his soul died gradually.
Despite his access to abundant wealth he couldn’t enjoy anything his ascent to power brought him. Food tasted strange, and life became meaningless. Paranoia assumed the position of a permanent acquaintance as he appeased himself daily by persecuting others for his woes.
News of death filled the air, the more he tightened the grip on control the more porous his defenses became. Shame became his brand and the more he tried to buy support the more he lost relevance. His words became feeble and meaningless with every contradiction, revealing more of his hypocrisy as Chaos permeated.
“What am I doing wrong?” He would often query himself but the plastic smiles of his self preserving aides cum the echoes of the chants of his sycophantic amoral griots drag him back into damnation.
(Excerpt from SEGA Awosanya’s “MAD KING” 2016).