Interview with Leading Nigeria’s Conversation @LNCtoday #LNC10Q
1. Who is Segun Awosanya? And what is the inspiration behind the name @segalink? Also, how do you deal with trolls on Twitter?
Segun Awosanya (SEGA) is a Realtor (landlaw focused Bsc., MSc. (Unilag) And PhD in view -Surrey, UK) Civil Rights & Institutional Reforms Advocate, futuristic Brand, Media, Tech, Research, Business & Strategic Consultant, who is also deeply involved in social engineering and Nation building via his numerous advocacies that has helped Nigerians find succor. He enlightens young Nigerians daily from his @segalink Twitter handle towards self awareness and discovery, political awareness, socio-economic development, political literacy and National integration. He is the Convener of the globally acclaimed universal institutional reforms advocacy geared towards strengthening Institutions in Nigeria (started with the Criminal Justice System reinvigoration while taking on Police reforms — #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG).
I have been places over the 30years and have had cause to build a formidable network via trust. Since your network often become your Net-wroth, I have chosen to use my links to influence and impact my world thus creating opportunities for others. This is where Sega-Link came from. It was also the name of my first ever business at age 13. Until maturity when my journey took me to a state of nirvana (enlightenment) where purpose got defined as an awakener — SEGA L’éveilleur (SEGA The Awakener).
As per trolls, I guess they have their usefulness. I often use they to send messages across to people who would like to be them. Most times I just hold up a mirror to their face with my words and describe their attitude, which most people can’t stand. Those who act in hate only project their internal failures unto others and their attitude must never be taken as a reflection of us but their unhappiness with their own self.
2. Is there a story that ignited the spark in you to support the #ENDSARS campaign? At what point did you decide to put all your being in the fight to #ENDSARS?
I wouldn’t say I’ve had a personal experience. I’m wired to feel the pains of others like I was directly affected and my passion to ensure such wrongs or abuse don’t continue often lead me to take action that makes a difference in society on a larger scale in most occasions right from my school days.
The very case that triggered the #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG happened to a young man who worked for a supplier of my equipment at the computer village. He was robbed by SARS officers and the phones he was to supply to a client got taken as well. We reported the incident to the then commissioner of Police in Lagos (CP Fatai Owoseni) who promised to get to the bottom of the case. We later rounded up the rogue squad the next day caught right in action while robbing another innocent citizen Attuah point by an ATM machine.
That was the very first publicized arrest and arraignment of rogue SARS officers. This was early 2016 and it got us focused on the imbroglio enough to start collecting data and build on past research blocks based on scanty reports. The campaign kicked off in mid-2017 after we substantially realized that the abuse, intimidation, unlawful detention and extrajudicial killings by SARS/Police have become a culture.
A rally followed in December with Online petitions which subsequently got us talking with the leaders of the House of Assembly and Senate. It was at this point that we started creating hubs of professionals (data miners, lawyers, creatives etc) to engage having realized this was going to be for the long haul.
There were many days of deep researches and Day’s of lobbying the legislature while engaging the judiciary, but the most obvious activities were the engagement of citizens on Twitter, while creating awareness and helping them develop the courage to report police brutalities and abuses. This was what led to the culture of posting videos of erring rogue officers online.
3. Tell us a story! The nastiest SARS story you. and across and how did you feel?
Hmmm….there are many nasty stories most of which are going to be featured in a public hearing someday. But the one that shocked me the most came some weeks back when a random citizen sent me a DM about a domestic squabble that led to a Neighbour’s invitation of Special Anti Cultism Squad to intimidate his family. It was a short one as captured in the actual text as attached. I really didn’t know how to feel. People even use my pictures now as screensavers and cover arts just to avoid intimidation by rogue police and SARS operatives. It’s still a shock to me though and I really can’t express how this feels because I am still very much an ordinary random citizen myself.

4. Did you believe the #ENDSARS campaign would be a success in Buhari’s presidency?
In all honesty I believe the #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG can be a success under any administration and I never ruled out this admin. The way the advocacy was designed using the Blockchain model, we have the love of our country at heart and ensured there are no gaps for politicizing or trivializing critical issues that has cost the lives of many victims (mostly youth) who must not die in vain. So selling out for political gain wasn’t an option because no amount of money could buy the vision or the people devoted to it. We believe the template will be applicable across institutions in the country. An effective and consistent none violent advocacy that took advantage of law and core principles of engagement and dialogue to solve critical social-political issues that have been neglected and I confronted for over 70years (Police Act 1943).
We are proud to say that under the administration all arms of Government contributed their quota; The Judiciary supported us with the full implementation of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act of 2015 and wrote our Organization to that effect, the Senate set up an ad hoc committee and subsequently obliged us by passing a Bill on the Police Act Repeal and Replacement Bill which has passed the second reading as at the time of this interview and finally the Presidency (via the AG President) finally threw their weight behind the advocacy by taking action however much we may still need to surgically monitor and follow up on that pronouncement just so it doesn’t end up being just another order like the ones before it. In all we express our measured optimism and press forward until the demands of Nigerians are met to the letter.
5. You must have feared for your life! What do you think the mindset of a Nigerian activist should consist of?
Funny enough, I fear for nothing. We are all assured of death at some point in our life journey and no one will live forever. One in Christ is dead to this world already and what matters really is what we are remembered for. I have always known my purpose since I was a teenager and I have lived my life accountably and transparently enough to know that we are all created for impact and influence of our world in a unique way. This is all that matters even while being optimistic that God will satisfy me with long life. Most of the greats that walked the earth died in their 30s and till date their works are still affecting our world today.
History is replete with the leadership example of Christ, Martin Luther King, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mandela etc…of all these renaissance the only one whose marvelous light I reflect would be our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why I maintain that I am No One. One who has conquered himself need not be trapped by self centeredness. I want for nothing. The Ego is well contained and the GodSelf leads (synchronicity).
So there is a balance (equanimity) within void of restlessness or anxiety. So I’m not much of an Activists but having watched many rise and fall, I must say dying to self and focusing on ecclesiastical altruism will be a good starting point when engaging authorities on socio-Political matters. There is no point demonizing anyone or any political party or government. Stay on the message and be resilient and autistic about your core end-goal.
Fundamentally, a Tree doesn’t make a forest, Together Everyone Achieve More (TEAM). Working with a strategic team matters the most, galvanized based on trust and belief in the vision. There must not be any vertical Collectivism or struggle for positions. Everyone must work as an indivisible unit with mutual respect, recognizing individual area of strength and weaknesses. The team must always employ their weaknesses and galvanize resource persons based on meritocracy and competence.
6. Have you ever been harassed or arrested by the police? What do you remember about the police when you were growing up as a child?
I have never had any case with the police but I have had cause to intervene in many cases over the years and have noted a lot of gaps over the years. What struck me was a conversation I had with my 9year old who is passionate about becoming a police officer. Given that I am not much of a character who stops a child from doing anything they are passionate about, rather direct them on how they can make the best of it. My son’s passion and expectation of the Police raised my curiosity and interest in contributing my quota while seeing the world through my children’s eyes.
Growing up as a child when I was five, I witnessed a police officer harass my dad for money. He was armed and my dad was a man of peace. I recall we missed a major turning and found ourselves somewhere else that day in his government gifted Gay blue Volkswagen. I believe change is generational and I bet my parents would have been very proud of what is happening now were they alive.
7. We are aware of the pain that accompanies the life of an activist. What did you tell your family before you took on the #ENDSARS campaign?
My darling wife is used to me taking on causes since our school days. I was a nerd and as at the time she was the only soul amidst the fairer alternative that found my idiosyncrasies endearing. There are many things I have shared with her in the past that we walked through in reality just as professed. So when I run these seemingly crazy ideas through her she simply smiles with understanding and brace herself for impact. I must say my family are the true heroes as regards any of my personal achievements over the years because of their unwavering sacrifices.
On this cause they have given their all. There is nothing I do out there that didn’t begin from the family unit. Suffice to say my family is one with me in this and have been contributing in their own little way. I didn’t have to say much other than, we must prepare the future for our kids while preparing the kids for the future. If we focus on just ourselves, what kind of society would our kids live in, if we fail to make it conducive for all? What legacy do we hope to bequeath to our children when we will be no more?
8. Who do you regard as a mentor? Do you have one? And who might the person be?
I wouldn’t use the word mentor per say but I have a great deal of influences from Christ down to those who walk in His glorious light before me and those walking in the light that I’ve been privileged to work and associate it. There are several others whose books and works ignited something in me tremendously. One of such incredible souls would be Doctor Yemi Amusan, a medical doctor, philosopher, spiritual awakener, strategist and event engineer. He is one person I would say genuinely know who I am and is not intimidated by my nuances. I should also confess that many people don’t like what they cannot control or define. So my character will come off to many as defiant, rebellious and disruptive. This explains my caution in relations. I however appreciate a lot of others I have met in my life journey, who leaves unforgettable impressions. Honorable Aliyu Gebi is another phenomenal ally, who I can say share a lot in common with me and have become one of the outliers I can safely call friend and brother.
9. Give us a quote that never ceases to inspire you? And name a Nigerian that has inspired you and why?
The most persistent question life throws at you in exchange for fulfillment is: “What is your role in the happiness and manifestation of others? “What are you doing to make a difference in the positive?”
This I must say is the driving force of all I do. Most of these words were dropped into my subconscious every morning while alone in the bathroom. I get to speak to myself and sometimes record these sessions. I came to realize that I don’t even know how much I know until I speak to people or engage a team.
A Nigerian that inspired me greatly would be Fela Anikulapo Kuti, I grew up on his songs when he was an OAP at Radio Nigeria (I guess) and much later when his music graced the airwaves back in the 80s. I got to love and play the Saxophone because of him. His philosophy was also dissected extensively over the years, which influenced the things we do today. I have learnt a lot also from others like Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa et al.
10. What is your advise to Nigerian youths? and what NEXT for Segun Awosanya?
My advise to Nigerian youth is simple. Find yourself. Discover you and find purpose. This is where fulfillment lies. Everyone needs a coach, associate yourself with role models of substance with deep conviction and you will find your life journey interestingly fulfilling. There is no arrival….when it seemed like you have gotten there, you will realize there is no there, there. New levels, new devils. The end of a thing is the beginning of another. Life by itself is a journey within a journey within the journey. You only arrive when you die. So enjoy the rollercoaster and brace yourself for impact.
The Universal Institutional Reforms Advocacy Foundation (UIRAF) will be launched officially this year. The journey is still long. We are yet to arrive. This is just a milestone.