I Have No Remote

Morocco 🇲🇦 is only 14km from Spain 🇪🇸 yet it is not considered an European country.
Following, sharing or Liking people’s posts don’t make you their friend neither does it make them owe you enough to comply to your whims and caprices. Acknowledging you cedes no control to you.
People love to feel powerful. They read from you, love your work, believe they own you and can dictate to you what to do and how to act as they please. If you fail to comply they believe they made you and can destroy you. This is why they Gaslight you to feel good about themselves while drowning in their existential crisis.
J.K. Rowling and many other highly successful masters of their craft have found themselves in the crosshairs of manipulators and micro aggressors seeking to force them to endorse their inanity.
Someone tweeted at J.K. Rowling “How do you sleep at night knowing you’ve lost a whole audience from buying your books?” And she responded “I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.”
I have read similar cruel and malevolent tweets and comments from ethnic brigades/bigots, some of whom I have personally risked my life for on several occasions over the past decades, in an attempt to Gaslight or guilt trip one into doing their bidding but thankfully, I am no celebrity, I don’t need the mob to be me.
Like Christ, I validate myself and live purposefully in authenticity. I have nothing I’m exhibiting for you to buy to activate my success. I am already successfully fulfilled in Christ.
Proximity to power shouldn’t make you assume you wield it. Toxic expectations ruin the best of relationships.
#BeMindful 🎙️