Herdxecutive. l hə́ːdgzɛ́kjətɪv
(adjective- attributive)
Relating to the perversion of the power to put plans or actions into effect: an herdxecutive Chairman l herdxecutive authority
Denoting or relating to the part of a political administration running an identity politics with a deliberate and obstinate desire to act in a tribalistic and religious extremist cum partisan manner, that is unreasonable, unacceptable, barbaric, primitive, provincial and parochial, while saddled with the responsibility for putting into effect laws drawn up by the legislature in a pseudo Democracy. : Our most obdurate conflicts emanated from the reign of the herdxecutive under the most inept administration in the history of our democracy.
- a person with a high authority obtained via Cronyism and tribalism, in a business fueled by favoritism due to ethnic advantage: business herdxecutives l the chief herdxecutive
- {as modifier} suitable for a chief herdxecutive in NNPC : a herdxecutive house.
- A herdxecutive committee running institutions under an administration: the union herdxecutive
2. (the herdxecutive) the perversion of the branch of a government responsible for putting decisions or laws into effect.
herdxecutively adverb
(Origin — Nigerian pseudo Democracy between the dark years of an assumed change 2015–2018 originally coined and used by a Nigerian social engineer and linguistic enthusiast — Segun Awosanya, @segalink )