Forgiveness And You.

Forgiving people is something I had to master from my childhood. We no doubt are humans and would expect that our good is reciprocated but this is not always the case if we put things in proper perspective.
Whatever people benefit from our deeds, must never be perceived as done for them, but for ourselves in honor of our covenant with God Almighty. This way, it is easier to manage the expectations even if those we’ve taken bullets for end up cursing us or blaming us for things that is beyond our control.
You may think that out of the goodness of your heart you will never kill or eat a Lion, but it is in its nature to devour you regardless of your goodness. When I was much younger, people that I considered friends have hanged up to plot against me simply because I was made the Senior Prefect, which ought not to be a surprise because I was also the Head Boy of my Primary School. These were positions you don’t lobby for in my years, the authorities see this in you and confirms your leadership based on your capacity and capabilities (academically and otherwise).
It was the first time in the history of the school to find a handful moving against someone that they once considered a friend when the whole school rejoiced at the announcement as being a worthy call. It was hard but for the sake of my sanity and future, I had to forgive them and let them worry about forgiving themselves for allowing envy ruin their relationship.
It never got easier, but I got stronger for the more you reflect the Light of Christ the more you brighten the path of men and attract the wrath of the kingdom of darkness that cannot comprehend the light that you reflect. The more reason you can’t afford to allow the hostility of your environment poison your anointing.
Release yourself from the burdens of years and enjoy your turning point in life. It takes courage to forgive those who have disappointed us, cheated us, spread false rumors about us or assassinate our character.
However, holding grudges can be poisonous to our being, it wears down our system, angry disagreements will never bring unity but divide us, just as animosity and hatred can divide families and friends.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever.”
How can we expect forgiveness from God if we can’t let go of the transgression of others we share humanity with? Christ lived by example and forgave us even while being crucified by the same people He came to save.
The spirit of forgiveness has nothing to do with condoning sinful or criminal behavior, staying in abusive situation or having no boundaries. It simply means detoxing our system from needless poisons.
May your heart be soothed and softened today. Allow Christ lead you aright in the spirit of the season. Consider this as a word from God, ignore the imperfect medium that brought you the message and enjoy the miracle of forgiveness.
We are all a work in progress.
#Mindfulness ❤️